Legislative Bulletin

February 2, 2001

Here is the text of Gov. Mike Easley's letter to state agencies detailing spending cuts he is imposing to help close a $500 million budget gap:

January 23, 2001
To: Department Heads and Chief Fiscal Officers
From: Gov. Michael F. Easley
Subject: Managing the current year budget deficit

The Office of State Budget, Planning and Management recently has provided me with a detailed briefing of the 2000-2001 fiscal year budget situation, which reveals that the current budget deficit now exceeds $500 million. The analysis of December 2000 General Fund collections indicates that for the sixth consecutive month the state has failed to reach its budgeted revenue targets. OSBPM has been working to identify ways to balance this deficit and has identified measures to minimize the impact of expenditure control measures to program services. However, it is evident that more stringent expenditure restrictions are necessary, and these measures require the assistance of both managers and employees throughout state government.

 While this budget deficit is not attributed in total to the recent cooling off of the economy, it has reached a level of severity that necessitates immediate and extensive measures to maintain a balanced budget as required under Article III, Section 5(3) of the North Carolina Constitution. Accordingly, I am directing that the following actions be implemented by OSBPM, in conjunction with state agencies and institutions, to insure that expenditures remain within anticipated revenues for the current fiscal year:

1. In November 2000, OSBPM advised agencies of reversion targets generally established at an amount equal its last five-year average reversion (excluding 1999-2000) plus an additional one percent of its current authorized General Fund appropriation. Based on current revenue collection data, it is necessary to increase these reversion targets for state agencies. While some agency targets may vary due to unique spending patters, the general targeted reversion is now the average reversion for the last five years plus two percent of the current authorized General Fund appropriation. I have directed OSBPM to be prepared to revise current allotments or to restrict fourth-quarter allotments in order that agencies hold all spending to these targeted levels. Your OSBPM analyst will advise you of your new reversion target and provide you with any assistance you may need in managing this effort.
 2. Effective Jan. 24, 2001, and until further notice, vacant positions in the executive branch of state government, with the exception of those for which prior commitments have been made, may not be filled except as specifically approved by the department head as an exception to this directive. Reversion targets for state agencies will not be modified as a result of any such exceptions granted by department heads under this directive. In applying this directive, agencies may make exceptions for: vacant positions exempt under section G.S. 126-5(d) from the State Personnel act; emergency situations; positions critical to law enforcement and public safety; and positions related to the custody and care of persons for whom the state is responsible. Specific guidelines for administration of this directive are attached.
3. Effective Jan. 24, 2001, no purchase orders will be issued for goods or services which will require the expenditure of General Fund appropriations, or other funds which will revert if unexpended, except as specifically approved by the department head as an exception to this directive. Reversion targets for state agencies will not be modified as a result of any such exceptions granted by department heads under this directive. This directive applies only to the executive branch of state government. Purchase orders which have been signed prior to this date on behalf of a state agency but have not been executed by the provider are not included in this directive.
4. Effective Jan. 24, 2001, department heads of the executive branch of state government are instructed to evaluate employees' travel and to limit travel to the maximum extent feasible to instances involving public safety, public health, emergency situations, or the custody or care of persons for whom the state is responsible
 5. Effective immediately, all General Fund appropriations for capital improvements unencumbered as of Jan. 24, 2001, are placed on hold. This includes direct appropriations as well as allocations from the Reserve for Repairs and Renovations for facilities of agencies in the executive branch of state government. This directive does not apply to allocations from the Reserve for Repairs and Renovations for institutions in the University of North Carolina.
6. Department heads of all state agencies and institutions are directed to evaluate programs and processes currently in place to identify immediate and permanent efficiencies which can be implemented to reduce the cost of state government.
The Office of State Budget, Planning and Management is available to provide guidelines and assistance to you and your respective staffs as we work together to move North Carolina forward to resolve this critical situation. Please be assured that where it is consistent with meeting the challenge of a balanced budget for fiscal year 2000-2001, every effort will be made to accommodate agency-specific circumstances.
Thank you for your immediate attention and cooperation in this matter.

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