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North Carolina Magazine Index for September 2000

C o v e r S t o r y
Campuses at a Crossroads
Decaying buildings and overcrowded classrooms are the principal reasons why passage of the $3.1 billion higher education bond issue is essential to the future of North Carolina's state universities and community colleges. Our annual education issue details the referendum that faces voters on Nov. 7.

E c o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t
Team NC
Cooperation on all fronts — statewide, regionally and locally — is necessary to keep North Carolina's growth rolling along. Central to the success is the brave new world of industrial recruiting, where economic development policy has learned from the private sector.

E x e c u t i v e P r o f i l e

Driven to Lead
Bradley Thompson stands out in a crowded banking industry, having risen rapidly through the ranks to become SouthTrust Bank's top gun in North Carolina. A quiet determination and an affable personality continue to serve him well, as do a grounded ego and solid core values.

C o m m u n i t y P r o f i l e

A New Day Dawns in Gaston
The pace of change runs steady in Gaston County. Chosen for the second time in June as an All-American City, Gastonia and its surrounding communities are remaking themselves in an impressive new mold. Gaston is the state's 10th largest county, and one of its most diverse. “We're a town in transition,” says banker Alex Hall.

Executive Voices


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