The Voice of Business, Industry & the Professions Since 1942
North Carolina's largest business group proudly serves as the state chamber of commerce

NCCBI Committees

NCCBI accomplishes much of its work through dedicated and active members who serve on committees that address critical issues in the State of North Carolina. All NCCBI members are encouraged to participate in our committees, and help us enhance the state's  business climate. For information on joining any of these committees, click here.

Economic Development Committee
Education Committee
Environmental Concerns Committee
Health Care Committee
Legal Issues and Workplace Policies Committee
Taxation and Fiscal Affairs Committee
Transportation Committee
Council of Local Chambers
Young Executives Forum

All the legislative positions recommended by the NCCBI policy committees, as approved by the NCCBI Executive Committee, are available for download as a 41-page Adobe Acrobat pdf document. Click here to download.

The Economic Development Committee
focuses on issues that are vital to good economic health in North Carolina. It supports aid for rural economic development and increased funding for the cooperative extension program that supports manufacturing and technology job-preparation. Other areas of focus include supporting increased funding for the community college system and welfare-to-work programs.


Watts Carr, former Commerce Department official

Vice Chair:

Richard Wiley, Duke Power Co.

The Education Committee supports improvement in the public schools and building relationships between the business community and local schools. It has given special emphasis to charter schools, technology, school-to-work and workforce preparedness issues.


Edgar Murphy, Nortel Networks

Vice Chair:

Steven Wrenn, Leadership Group of the Carolinas

The Environmental Concerns Committee works on legislative and regulatory issues at the state level and has a special focus on federal air quality issues. Current areas of interest to the committee and its various subcommittees are air quality, water quality, solid and hazardous waste, and risk management. 


Jerry Coker, Weyerhaeuser

Vice Chair:

Mick Greeson, Progress Energy  

The Health Care Committee addresses many issues relating to health insurance and health/human services. The committee opposes mandated benefits and direct reimbursement and is supporting long-term care tax credits. 


John Peterson, Capstrat

Vice Chair:

Judy Fourie, J. Fourie & Co.

The Legal Issues and Workplace Policies Committee is a new committee within NCCBI that results from combining three committees whose work often overlapped, the Civil Justice Committee, the Governance Committee and the Employer/Employee Relations Committee. As its name implies, Legal Issues and Workplace Policies will examine trends related to running a business, including employment law, regulatory compliance issues and the like. 


William Scoggin, Kennedy Covington

Vice Chair:

George Suddath, Pepsi Bottling Ventures

The Taxation and Fiscal Policy Committee researches trends and seeks information necessary for NCCBI to make intelligent decisions regarding North Carolina taxing policies, both corporate and personal. The committee has worked on making changes to the withholding tax for non-residents and continues to support removing inventories from the franchise tax, reduction in energy taxes and opposes contingent fee property tax audits. 


Lyman Cooper, CSX Corporation, Raleigh

Vice Chair:

Jean G. Carter, Hunton & Williams

The Transportation Committee studies and takes positions on all facets of transportation in North Carolina. It monitors issues such as reauthorization of ISTEA legislation; funding for North Carolina ports, the development of the Global TransPark and the North Carolina Railroad buyout. 


Thomas W. Bradshaw, Citigroup Global Markets

Vice Chair:

Henry Liles, HNTB

Council of Local Chambers - Members of the council include the Chamber executives from the 88 local Chambers that are members of NCCBI. It focuses on issues of common interest to the Chambers. For information on individual Chambers, click here.


Danny Hearn, President, Greater Statesville Chamber

Vice Chair:

Suzanne Sartelle, President, Greenville-Pitt County Chamber

NCCBI Young Executives Forum is designed to develop leadership skills in the next generation of executives by exposing them to cutting-edge business and public policy issues. It is open to any person age 50 or younger in a management position with an NCCBI member. It convenes quarterly at various locations around the state. Meeting registration costs are kept reasonable- reflecting only the cost of the facility rental, meals and materials.  Maximum cost is $50.00 per event.


Dr. Harry Williams, Appalachian State University, Boone

Vice Chair:

Joe Milazzo II, Regional Transportation Alliance


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Write to us at P.O. Box 2508, Raleigh, N.C. 27602
Call us at 919.836.1400 or fax us at 919.836.1425

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