Toll Roads
One by one the
differences have faded between North Carolina and the urban and urbane states of
the Northeast. Twenty-five years ago it was liquor by the drink that set us
apart. They could have a gin and tonic served by the waiter before dinner while
we poured ourselves something out of a brown paper bag. Later it was pro sports
that helped define the differences between North Carolina and, say,
Massachusetts. They cheered for their teams in the NFL, NBA and NHL and we
cheered for their teams, too. Another notable divide was access to high-end
retail stores. For years they had Saks, Macy’s and Nordstroms. Now, we have
them, too, although Belks still seems to suit us just fine.
This year another significant distinction between North Carolina and the
Northeast is about to fall — toll roads. Legislation passed both the state
House and Senate last month creating the North Carolina Turnpike Authority and
authorizing it, as a first step, to construct two toll roads as pilot projects.
One most likely will be the proposed Garden Parkway connecting Gaston and
Mecklenburg counties over the Catawba River. There’s less certainty about the
second pilot project, although there’s talk about turning stretches of I-95 in
Northeastern North Carolina into a toll road, much as I-95 used to be south of
As this was written, some minor details had yet to be worked out between
slightly differing versions of the enabling legislation passed by the House and
Senate, but those were mostly over form, not substance. Everyone around Jones
Street regarded final adoption as inevitable.
The preamble to the legislation reads: “The General Assembly finds that the
existing state road system is becoming increasingly congested and overburdened
with traffic in many areas of the state; that the sharp surge of vehicle miles
traveled is overwhelming the state’s ability to build and pay for adequate
road improvements; and that an adequate answer to this challenge will require
the state to be innovative and utilize several new approaches to transportation
improvements in North Carolina. Toll funding of highway construction is feasible
in North Carolina and can contribute to addressing the critical transportation
needs of the state.”
The Turnpike Authority will be an important new force in North Carolina
politics. It will be empowered to issue revenue bonds, condemn land under
eminent domain and choose the contractors who will build the new toll roads. A
nine-member board of directors will govern the authority — three appointed by
the speaker of the House, three by the president pro tem of the Senate and two
by the governor. The state secretary of Transportation (who is chosen by the
governor) will automatically become the ninth authority board member.
It undoubtedly will feel odd the first time we have to stop at a toll booth
somewhere in North Carolina — about as odd as that first mixed drink we had so
many years ago. -- Steve Tuttle
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