NCCBI's Legislative Conference Set for Feb. 21-22
NCCBI will provide the business community an opportunity to meet face to face with leaders of the state House and Senate on Feb. 22 when it stages its annual Legislative Conference. The half-day event will again take place at the McKimmon Center on the campus of N.C. State University in Raleigh.

NCCBI President Phil Kirk said a complete agenda has not yet been set for the Legislative Conference, but he said members can expect to again hear from Democratic and Republican leaders of the chambers, including the chairs of all the major committees. The luncheon speaker will be a prominent statewide elected official.

The chairs of NCCBI's seven policy committees will present the positions their groups have studied over the past several months. The recommendations, as reviewed by the association's Executive Committee, form the heart of the legislative agenda that NCCBI will pursue in next year's legislative session.

The Legislative Conference will begin with a continental breakfast and end after the luncheon address.

The evening before the Legislative Conference, on Feb. 21, NCCBI will again host a reception honoring members of the General Assembly and other officials. That event, which will run from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., will be held at the Capital City Club in downtown Raleigh. NCCBI is accepting sponsorships for the Legislative Reception.

Last year, the Legislative Reception was moved to the new Entertainment and Sports Complex in Raleigh, but an acceptable date could not be worked out to hold the event there again this year. Therefore, the reception will return to the Capital City Club, where it was held for many years.

NCCBI will mail complete information and registration materials to all members in the weeks ahead.

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Senate President Pro Tem Marc Basnight (above) and House Speaker Jim Black (below) are expected to appear at this year's Legislative Conference, as they did last year.


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