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To view the April issue of NCCBI's
North Carolina Magazine, click the cover below:
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Inside this issue:
(click cover above to access the magazine,
which may take a few seconds to open.)
A Business of Good Spirits
Wineries are cropping up throughout the state and some varieties promote good
health as well as good spirits.
Page 14
Executive Profile
Virgil Smith
The publisher of the Asheville Citizen
Times rose from newspaper delivery kid and mailroom employee to the top of his
Page 61
Community Profile:
A Water-world of Possibilities
Waves of economic prosperity flow from Carteret
County's natural resources.
Page 27
Attacking the Big "C"
Cancer Centers allow the medical establishment to concentrate its weapons
and expertise in the battle against the most-dreaded disease.
Page 48
Tar Heel Travels
Rail Fans Have a Busy Summer Ahead
North Carolina's historic railroads are still chugging along.
Page 72
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