The Voice of Business, Industry & the Professions Since 1942
North Carolina's largest business group proudly serves as the state chamber of commerce

Index of Selected Articles 
from the February 2002 Issue 
of North Carolina Magazine

Cover Story

Visibility Pays
How can small companies get the biggest bang for their marketing, 
advertising and public relations dollars? Our experts say that the best plan 
begins with brand identity and carries through with a commitment to never stop selling yourself.

Community Profile

Primed for Progress
Legendary actor Andy Griffith thought so fondly of his hometown of Mount Airy 
that he based Mayberry on it. Now, thanks to the long-range vision and ingenuity 
of its business leaders, everyone’s discovering what’s special about Surry County.


Pay Up or Shut Down?
Directed by Gov. Easley to implement a “truth in penalties” policy for polluters, 
environmental regulators are revising the state’s penalty procedures, 
leading business people to fear that a crackdown is on the horizon.

Executive Profile

Firsts That Last
Energetic and focused, North Carolina State University Chancellor 
Marye Anne Fox has broken many glass ceilings during a remarkable career. 
Today she sees herself, and her growing university, in a new light.

Tar Heel Travels

The Outer Banks
A well-planned journey along our historic coast 
leaves a first-time visitor in awe of North Carolina’s beauty and treasures.

Editor’s Desk
State Government
Executive Voices
Publisher’s Column

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