Index of
Selected Articles
from the January 2000 issue
C o v e r S t o r y
Small Cogs Help Turn a Big Economy
Community banks are sprouting at an unprecedented rate,
playing a vital role in communities across the state—one that, in
the view of some, no other banks can fill. These startups complement,
rather than compete with, the big banks in a way that means good
things for bank customers.
C o m m u n i t y P r o
f i l e
Word's Getting Out
With a spate of announcements about new and expanding industries,
Montgomery County made extraordinary strides last year. Quality of
life, commitment by county leaders, and thriving businesses ensure
continued golden opportunities.
R e t i r e m e n t
Are You Saving Too Much?
After all the admonishments to sock your money away for retirement,
it's possible you might be saving too much. What you'll need in
retirement has more to do with your vision for post-career living than
anything else, and no one size fits all.
E x e c u t i v e P r o
f i l e
Appalachian State University's Chancellor Frank Borkowski—both an
accomplished musician and a well-respected leader—orchestrates
continued progress for the university with energy and optimism.
T a r H e e l T r a v e
l s
Holly Inn and Pinehurst No. 4
The newly renovated nineteenth-century Holly Inn in Pinehurst makes
the perfect base for a weekend spent golfing the venerable No. 4
course, recently redesigned by Tom Fazio. |