The Voice of Business, Industry & the Professions Since 1942
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Full Funding For Mandates

Position: When mandating new programs and responsibilities for local school systems, we encourage the General Assembly not to impose these requirements without providing adequate funding resources.

Explanation: Education is basically a state function in the United States and clearly so in North Carolina. There is a duty by the General Assembly when it mandates a program to fully fund it so it can be implemented.  Unfortunately there is a tendency by legislative or other bodies to put programs, reports, or the like in place without considering or providing the resources, (e.g. impounding, maintaining and disposing of DUI vehicles; or testing coordinators to administer the state testing program at the schools).

Occasionally some moneys are provided, but they are insufficient to the task (e.g. exceptional children, limited English proficiency/English as a second language, or the Student Information Management System (SIMS) operation at the schools).

One vivid example of a state/federal mandate without adequate financial resources is the area of educating exceptional children. Not only are these needs underfunded generally, the state places a cap on funding which stops funding when the number of identified young people exceeds 12.5% of the average daily membership. Districts have no way to prevent such children from entering their school system.  Indeed, due to a combination of the municipal overburden phenomena and exemplary exceptional children’s programs, some districts have become magnets for these children. In addition, group homes meeting the needs of certain of these children have now opened in certain counties, increasing the exceptional school population even more. This area will continue to become even more demanding due to recent federal legislation and state interpretations, which will require more resources for exceptional children particularly as it relates to maintaining students in programs and safe school environments.  It appears that prompt attention must be given to removing these arbitrary caps which penalize districts who must provide the services by law because the children with such needs are there.

In addressing needs and putting new programs in place and additional burdens on local school systems, the General Assembly needs to recognize when additional financial resources are needed and should not place additional burdens on local schools without providing those resources.

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Early Childhood Education
Teacher Recruitment and Retention
Information Technology
Opposition to Tax Credits
Parental and Community Involvement
Stay the Course
Support for Community Colleges
Teacher/Administrator Preparation Programs and Facilities

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