For Community Colleges
Position: NCCBI recommends that the legislature provide
financial support to North Carolina community colleges for 1)
equipment replacement in community colleges; 2) higher salaries and
instructional support; 3) an increase in non-curriculum instruction;
and 4) start up funds for new programs.
1. Equipment Replacement - If community colleges are to
help provide the employers and employees of this state with the knowledge and skills demanded by the technology
forces which influence the economy of today and tomorrow, colleges
must integrate more state-of-the-art instructional equipment into the
teaching and learning associated with all programs provided. This
effort needs to recognize the replacement life cycle of equipment.
Multiple-year replacement cycles are needed in some areas, based upon
the useful life of the equipment. Further enhancement of the newly
established “Equipment Reserve” is needed and funds are needed to
purchase new equipment heretofore not available.
Higher Salaries and Instructional Support - The
ability of institutions to respond to the instructional needs of the
communities they serve is directly related to the recruitment,
retention and replacement of competent faculty and staff.
Over-dependence upon part-time faculty and staff limits the system’s
capacity to make quality responses to the economic and educational
needs of the state. Currently, North Carolina ranks 49th in salaries paid to community
college faculty. Resources
are needed to increase the number of faculty and staff with
appropriate credentials and job requirements and improve the relative
position of faculty in the SREB region to at least that of the
regional average. This can be achieved through securing resources in
non-instructional areas, and further implementation of the “sliding
scale” (position/budgeted ratios). Funding is also needed to
increase the Administrative and Instructional Support Allotment. This funding provides staff
which support the faculty and serve students, such as counselors,
librarians, registrars, program supervisors, admissions officers, lab
assistants, placement officers, and continuing education coordinators.
Funds are also needed for “other costs.” Because this item has not
been increased since the mid 1980’s, colleges have been forced to
transfer funds from salary accounts, in the amount of $20.35 million
in 1997-98, to the other cost area to purchase instructional supplies,
Increase in Non-Curriculum Instruction - There is a
need to increase the level of non-curriculum instruction funding to
parity with curriculum instruction, consistent with recommendations. A
consultant’s report has concluded that equivalent funding in both
Continuing Education and Basic Skills will lead to a greater emphasis
on both programs, which will ultimately contribute to enhanced
workforce development.
Start-up Funds for New Programs - There is a need to
provide funds for starting new programs of study/training in community
colleges. Currently,
community colleges are required to divert funds from on-going programs
to initiate new ones.
If you have comments on any of the NCCBI positions
or other issues,
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Early Childhood Education
Teacher Recruitment and
Full Funding for Mandates
Information Technology
Opposition to Tax Credits
Parental and Community Involvement
Stay the Course
Teacher/Administrator Preparation Programs and